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I Am Not Your Negro

James Baldwin’s book Remember This House was to be a revolutionary, personal account of the lives and assassinations of three of his close friends: Medgar Evers, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King, Jr. At the time of Baldwin’s death in 1987, he left behind only thirty completed pages of this manuscript. Filmmaker Raoul Peck envisions the book James Baldwin never finished.

Director: Raoul Peck
Year: 2016
Time: 95 min

 I Am Not Your Negro
(2016) on IMDb

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Ways to Influence

Share this film. Give others the chance to learn and be moved by this amazing film. 

Read James Baldwin’s written works, from his monumental essays like “The Fire Next Time” to his novels Go Tell It on the Mountain and beyond.

Spread the word on Twitter and Facebook. #BeTheChange you want to see in the world. #IAmNotYourNegro is now available on VOD and Blu-ray/DVD!

Know your Civil Rights Movement history. There are countless fiction films, documentaries and books on the subject that are deserving of your attention.

Join a local social justice organization to help build strong, diverse, sustainable communities that will hold a future free of racism.

Related Articles and Resources

Raoul Peck on James Baldwin

“Thom Powers interviewed Peck during TIFF Doc Conference…This episode presents an edited version of their conversation. Peck discusses how he gained access to Baldwin’s manuscript Remember This House that looks at three civil rights leaders – Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, and Medgar Evers. The film connects their legacy to our times.”

Listen to it on Pure Nonfiction.

James Baldwin’s Queerness Was Inseparable from His Blackness

“Though I Am Not Your Negro doesn’t address Baldwin’s homosexuality, it was integral to his political philosophy in ways that can give us hope today.”

Continue reading on Vice.

Do Yourself a Favor: Go See Raoul Peck’s I Am Not Your Negro

“One takeaway from Raoul Peck’s incredible new Oscar-nominated documentary, I Am Not Your Negro, about the late, great author James Baldwin, is that there’s basically no point in ever trying to say anything more eloquently, incisively, or powerfully than Baldwin already said it.”

Continue reading on Vogue.

Bertrand Tavernier: Mapping Raoul Peck

“Imagine if cartographers drew maps and regularly forgot provinces, regions, or even countries. Well, in the cinema world this happens very often – in articles, overviews of festivals, or yearly roundups, for example. The filmmaker Raoul Peck isn’t ‘mapped’ as often as he ought to be.”

Continue reading on Sabzian.

The Most Powerful Piece of Film Criticism Ever Written

“James Baldwin’s The Devil Finds Work, a book-length essay on race and America and cinema, movingly demonstrates that analysis of art can be art itself.”

Continue reading on the Atlantic.

Love, Jimmy: Hilton Als and Jacqueline Goldsby in Conversation

“Last month, Als discussed Baldwin’s legacy at the Windham-Campbell Prize festival, where he was honored for his work in nonfiction. His interlocutor was Jacqueline Goldsby, a professor of English and African American Studies at Yale. What follows is a sliver of that conversation, published with permission by the Windham-Campbell Literature Prizes.” —Caitlin Youngquist

Continue reading on The Paris Review.


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