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Waiting for Superman

WAITING FOR SUPERMAN is a courageous film that analyzes the failure of the American public education system by following five promising kids through a system that inhibits, rather than encourages, academic growth.

Director: Davis Guggenheim
Year: 2010
Time: 111 min

 Waiting for 'Superman'
(2010) on IMDb

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Ways to Influence

Share this film. Give others a chance to understand what is happening in Americas schools, and why.

Join the Parent Revolution or a similar organisation and sign a petition to demand world-class standards for all students.

Talk to your school board. Call your school board. Attend a board meeting. Vote for school board members. Every citizen has the task of participating and influencing education.

Mentor. Developing a consistent, one-on-one relationship with a young person is the greatest, most everlasting gift you can ever give them. You can begin a mentoring relationship through organizations like Big Brothers Big Sisters or other organizations in your country.

Related Articles and Resources

Looking For A Hero At Your House

On NPR’s All Things Considered, Melissa Block speaks with Director Davis Guggenheim about the future of America’s public education system and more.

Listen now.

“A lot of people have criticized your movie by saying that it just unfairly villifies the union…”

Watch Katie Couric’s intense interview with Director Davis Guggenheim.

Should teachers get tenure?

Check out this list of pros and cons before making your decision.

Schooling Ourselves in an Unequal America

In this exclusive online commentary from the New York Times report, Rebecca Strauss concludes that “educational excellence is increasingly the preserve of the rich.”

Read more.

High-stakes testing and its effects on instruction

The use of standardized tests skyrocketed in 2002 with the No Child Left Behind Act. Since then, U.S. students have drastically slipped in world rankings.

Is there any evidence to prove that the two are related?

Learn more.


Listen to our playlist with music from the film on Spotify.

Why We Must Build Cultures of Genius That Last Beyond Our Lifetime

Find out here.

How would YOU grade Waiting for Superman?

Find out how The Nation graded it.


After sparking a national debate with his film WAITING FOR SUPERMAN, director Davis Guggenheim got to work on yet another film called TEACH.

Learn more on the Huffington Post.


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