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Following four babies from Namibia, Mongolia, Japan, and the U.S. over the course of their first year of life, BABIES joyfully captures the earliest stages of the journey of humanity that are at once unique and universal to us all.

Director: Thomas Balmès
Year: 2010
Time: 79 min

(2010) on IMDb

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Ways to Influence

Share this film. Give others a chance to be touched by it and discuss these topics.

Lend a hand to the Kids First Fund, which supports children that are abused, neglected, or abandoned all over the world, focusing on countries where resources are limited.

Become involved with WAHA – the Women and Health Alliance International – which works to improve women’s and children’s health, particularly regarding childbirth and infancy.

Opt for giving your time and undivided love to children over material objects.

Related Articles and Resources

Meet The Parents

“Thomas asked how the other people [in the village would be] feeling about the filmmakers working there. I said, first we have to inform the Chief of the village…”

In the fall of 2009, the BABIES families – including the children themselves – were shown the finished movie by director Thomas Balmès. Afterwards, they were invited to discuss  their feelings about this most unique component of their family history.

Read the full interview on Focus Features.

Director Thomas Balmès on Spending More Than a Year In the World’s Tots

Read the full interview here.

Breastfeeding in the Land of Genghis Khan

“In Mongolia, breastmilk is not just for babies, it’s not only about nutrition, and it’s definitely not something you need to be discreet about. It’s the stuff Genghis Khan was made of.”

Read more about this here.

The Himba, Namibia, and the Birth Song

“There is a tribe in Africa where the birth date of a child is counted not from when they were born, nor from when they are conceived but from the day that the child was a thought in its mother’s mind. And when a woman decides that she will have a child, she goes off and sits under a tree, by herself, and she listens until she can hear the song of the child that wants to come.”

Read about the birth song and other legends here.

Raising Successful Children

“Phrases like “tiger mom” and “helicopter parent” have made their way into everyday language. But does overparenting hurt, or help?

While parents who are clearly and embarrassingly inappropriate come in for ridicule, many of us find ourselves drawn to the idea that with just a bit more parental elbow grease, we might turn out children with great talents and assured futures…”

Read the full The New York Times article.


Cozy documentaries that will make you feel the spirit of winter.

Big Push for Home Births

Read about a new report stating that a third of women should be able to give birth without seeing a doctor.

The Impact of Technology on the Developing Child

“While no one can argue the benefits of advanced technology in today’s world, connection to these devices may have resulted in a disconnection from what society should value most, children. Rather than hugging, playing, rough housing, and conversing with children, parents are increasingly resorting to providing their children with more TV, video games, and the latest iPads and cell phone devices…”

Read the Huffington Post article.

Review From a Dad

Here you can read a father’s reaction and reflection on parenthood, and cultural differences after watching BABIES.


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