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Natural Disorder

Stand-up comedian Jacob Nossell, who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy as an infant, is on a quest to comprehend the concept of normality while challenging his own lack of skills. By staging a four-act play supplied with information from his family, scientists, philosophers, and actors, he attempts to figure out what the meaning of life is for him and others like him.

Director: Christian Sønderby Jepsen
Year: 2015
Time: 98 min

 Natural Disorder
(2015) on IMDb

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Sweden: Vodeville
Denmark: Film Central
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Ways to Influence

Share NATURAL DISORDER with others, and challenge communal views around normality. In the words of Jacob himself, “Don’t go and see the film expecting to get to know more about a Korean spastic but to know more about your own abnormality. You don’t have to discuss me so much. Discuss yourselves!”

Learn more about cerebral palsy and what this disability entails. The Cerebral Palsy Guide offers plenty of information, while their Just Say Hi campaign breaks the boundaries between normal and abnormal.

Understand people as individuals, encouraging acceptance and inclusion and being mindful of the language you use. Cerebralpalsy.org offers an informative article on disability etiquette.

Watch Kim Jong-II’s Comedy Club, winner of the 2009 Sundance Grand Jury Prize, in which Jacob travels to North Korea to challenge the concepts of disability in a country that allegedly kills off disabled infants.

Related Articles and Resources

Questions and Answers With Jacob Nossell

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