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Bag It!

BAG IT! tells the story of how an average guy makes a resolution to stop using plastic bags at the grocery store – a decision that will change his life. Through Jeb’s journey, we see how our crazy-for-plastic world has finally caught up with us and what we can do about it.

Director: Suzan Beraza
Year: 2010
Time: 74 min

 Bag It
(2010) on IMDb

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US: JustWatch
UK: JustWatch
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Ways to Influence

Share this film. Give others a chance to learn about ways they can reduce their consumption of plastic. Or host a screening at your school, festival, non-profit meeting, church, or community organization.

Become a Bag It Education Advocate for your community. Visit the official film website to learn how you can receive Educational DVDs and companion curriculum guides for schools or libraries.

Build a plan for reducing your use of plastics. Even small changes quickly add up to substantial changes.

Educate yourself and others about plastic bag legislation at Plastic Bag Laws. Get involved and contact your representatives to support plastic bag regulation.

Related Articles and Resources

BAG IT Shortlisted for the BritDoc’s PUMA Creative Impact Award

In 2012, BAG IT was the third film shortlisted for the PUMA Creative Impact Award, which recognizes the documentaries that have made the biggest social impact. The Huffington Post published short features of each of the 5 shortlisted films.

Click here to read BritDoc’s Impact Field Guide to find out about there work with docs and impact production!

Public Concern, Not Science, Prompts Plastics Ban

Congress passed a ban that prohibits making or selling children’s toys that contain phthalates, even though government scientists said it wasn’t necessary.

Listen to story on NPR.

A Brief History of Plastic’s Conquest of the World

Read this fascinating essay on Scientific American, which includes an excerpt from Susan Freinkel’s book, Plastic: A Toxic Love Story.


Six films addressing the environmental issues of our time.

China’s Too Good for Our Trash. Yay?

China took the majority of U.S. scrap but now has higher standards, which is helping to improve recycling operations in the U.S.

Learn more here.

California Endangered Species: Plastic Bags

“It has become increasingly clear to the public the environmental damage that single-use plastic bags have reaped,” said Alex Padilla. “This is the beginning of the phase-out of single-use plastic bags — period.”

The New York Times reveals how California lawmakers are trying to ban the most ubiquitous consumer products.

A Warning by Key Researcher

The synthetic chemical, BPA — found in things like plastic bottles to cash register receipts — is a potent, estrogen-mimicking compound.

In an interview, biologist Frederick vom Saal harshly criticizes U.S. corporations and government regulators for covering up or ignoring the many health risks of BPA.


Our interview with director Suzan Beraza.

Edible Rings On Six-Packs Feed Marine Life If They End Up In The Ocean

A craft beer company has brewed up a brilliant idea. Saltwater Brewery in Delray Beach, Florida, has created edible six-pack rings that feed, rather than kill, marine life if the rings end up in the ocean and an animal happens to eat it.

Find out more on the Huffington Posts.


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