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Drawing The Tiger

A family in Nepal living on less than a dollar a day wins the globalization jackpot: a charity scholarship for their daughter to go to school in the capital city. She promises to return, to free her family from poverty. But she does not return. DRAWING THE TIGER is an intimate portrait of the price one family pays for their golden opportunity.

Director: Amy Benson, Scott Squire, Ramyata Limbu
Year: 2015
Time: 96 min

 Drawing the Tiger
(2015) on IMDb

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Share this film. Give others the chance to learn from its story. 

Donate to support Drawing the Tiger. The team is working to fully develop a suicide awareness and prevention curriculum using clips from the film.

Read about the work of the Global Girls Project—a collaborative writing project working to lead and empower girls across the world. Contribute if you have a story to tell.

Learn more about the work of UNGEIthe United Nations’ Girls’ Education Initiative—and their hard work to ensure rights to education and gender equality for all children. 

Consider signing this petition to support education for girls in Nepal at Force Change.

Related Articles and Resources

The Heavy Burden of Hope

Watch Amy Benson’s talk at TEDxMonterey on girls education in the developing world on Youtube

Suicide Is Now the Biggest Killer of Teenage Girls Worldwide

A shocking statistic has emerged, which reveals suicide has overtaken maternal mortality as the biggest killer of young women in the world. Nisha Lilia Diu asks the experts why this is happening – and how we failed to notice.

Read the full article on the Telegraph.

Women Have No Nationality

“…by law I’m a Nepali woman, and therefore, by law, lesser than a Nepali man. (…) There’s a Nepali adage—’Women have no caste’—which goes to the heart of the Hindu patriarchal devaluation of women. Our identities are defined by men; we have no essence, no identity, of our own.”

Read the full article, written by Manjushree Thapa, here.

In the Shadow of Shanta’s Absence

A conversation with filmmakers in Kathmandu.

Read it on Himal Magazine.

7 Facts About Education in Nepal

While education in Nepal greatly improved throughout the twentieth century, Nepal still faces many struggles, to date. The education challenges largely relate to poverty in Nepal.

Read the list of 7 facts here.

Let Girls Learn

Addressing the global crisis in girls’ education requires not just investment, but challenging cultural beliefs and practices.

Read the article written by Michelle Obama on the Atlantic.


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