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Join Us At Tempo Documentary Festival 2017

Please join Influence Film Club for extended discussions with the filmmakers following these three exciting documentaries at Tempo Documentary Festival:

THE LAND OF THE ENLIGHTENED: A gang of Afghan kids from the Kuchi tribe dig out old Soviet mines and sell the explosives to children working in a lapis lazuli mine. When not dreaming of the time when American troops finally withdraw from their land, another gang of children keeps tight control on the caravans smuggling the blue gemstones through the arid mountains of Pamir. In this seamless blend of fictional and documentary form, we experience a stunning cinematic journey into the beauty of war-tormented Afghanistan. Shot over seven years on evocative 16mm footage, first-time director Pieter-Jan De Pue paints a whimsical yet haunting look at the condition of Afghanistan left for the next generation. With director Pieter-Jan De Pue on Tuesday 7 March 17:30-19:30 at Victoria.

CHEER UP takes us into the teenage lives of a team of cheerleaders from the Arctic Circle in Finland, who always seem to place last.  They struggle to improve and try their best to look perfect doing it, but really, teenage life can be tough for these girls. For Patricia, Aino and Miia, finding out who they are,  where they belong and what family means is much more important than any trophy. With director Christy Garland on Thursday 9 March 17:30-19:30 at Victoria.

GAZA SURF CLUB: Caught between Israel and Egypt, the Gaza Strip has been called “the world’s largest open-air prison.” But Gaza is also bordered by the Mediterranean, and drawing a new generation to the country’s coastline to taste freedom in the rolling surf. This heartfelt documentary takes us into the world of Gaza’s surfing enthusiasts and reveals a formidable resilience pulsing within a beleaguered population. With directors Philip Gnadt & Mickey Yamine on Friday 10 March 17:30-19:30 at Victoria.